Hi, I'm Suzy

and I live to MAKE stuff.


I'm a lifelong knitter, crafter, and maker

At a young age, my mom instilled in me the importance and joy of making things. All of our birthday cards and Valentine's were homemade. As a teenager I learned to knit and was instantly hooked! To this day, I always have a project (or two) going. I dabble in sculpture, collage, photography, and painting. If you know me, at one time or another I have made you something.


I'm a master chef (in my household of one)

To me, cooking is just another way I express myself. The creative process begins when I make my grocery list and doesn't end until the plates are on the table. I take even the simplest of meals seriously. Toast must be perfectly toasted and evenly buttered to each edge. The yolk in a soft-boiled egg must be warm and runny. I always hold my breath a little before the first bite and savor the relief when everything has come out just right.


And I'm a determined product manager

While working at an early stage startup, I concluded that one of the most vital skills I lacked was the ability to code. Despite my desire and commitment to learning, I always found myself drawn to other aspects of a given project. I took a leap and landed in product management. The journey that got me there has been anything but straightforward, but what in life that is interesting ever is?